2017 Fundraiser

BeekhmerxBeeSide Presents: "Rebuilding our Khmer Empire through Art and Music" Fundraiser 2

BeeSide x Tiny Toones

We believe every child in Cambodia is hungry to learn, and are artistic and creative individuals ready to blossom. Unfortunately, some may not necessarily have the tools and accessibility to do so. This year, we are linking up with Bong Kay Kay from Tiny Toones, located in Phnom Penh.

Tiny Toones uses break-dancing and the culture of hip-hop to engage, inspire, and educate young people from some of Cambodia’s most impoverished neighborhoods. If you're around Long Beach and is able to donate any school supplies PACKAGES of (pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners) please drop them off in a box at our friend Bruce's shop ( @lbsupplyco ) located on 2600 E. Anaheim Street Long Beach Ca 90804. With your donation, you will receive a raffle ticket which will give you a chance to win any beekhmerxbeeside hat of your choice, that you can also customize yourself, with any of our fabric selection.

You can also donate any amount at our website: www.beekhmerbeeside.com and note "Tiny Toones fundraiser" where you can also receive a raffle ticket, or you can also donate directly to the school at www.tinytoones.org . Again, 100% of the funds raised will go directly to Tiny Toones for much needed school supplies for the kids. The raffle will close on December 31st @ 6pm.

Bee Side